May 22, 2024

Meet Funmi – a carer and a solicitor!

Meet Funmi, a very inspirational person from the Private HomeCare team. “My name is Funmi I’m a single mother of two boys, aged 22 and 17. […]
May 8, 2024

My Journey as a Carer: from helping family to helping others

  Carer Sean shares his inspirational story of how his childhood instilled a desire to care for others, and how he  has finally found his calling […]
October 18, 2023

Carer Elizabeth Long Explains Why She Did a Dementia Course

One of our long service and highly experienced home support workers, Elizabeth Long, explained why she choose to participate in a Special Purpose Certificate in Dementia […]
October 18, 2023

Scribing Service for Carers Taking Exams

Private HomeCare invested in its own internal training department several years ago. We have long recognised the importance of training for staff, particularly for carers. Some […]
October 16, 2023

Meet Lynne O’Brien, Ex Carer, Now Service Support Adminstrator

My career in caring started when I worked as a chaperone for adults with intellectual disabilities. I loved that job and recognised that I needed qualifications […]
June 21, 2021

Why Tricia Fay joined Private HomeCare

In 2011 I left Inchicore College with a Distinction from a course in Healthcare and Disability. My Dad had locked in syndrome for several years before […]
June 21, 2021

Meet our carer Tyson Mahmoud

June 21, 2021

Meet our carer John Madu

June 8, 2021
Fiona Dowdall Family Carer who Became a Professional Carer

From Family Carer to Professional Carer

Meet Fiona Dowdall who gave up work to be a full-time carer for her own Dad, a retired Garda,  after he had a stroke. My Experience as […]